Garry Schaedel, 77年

    Garry Schaedel, 77年

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    去圣. 迈克救了我的命. 当时,我住在一个非常麻烦的家庭. The first time I saw the Green Mountains across from campus, it was instant. I felt like this was the place I was meant to be my entire life. When I arrived my freshman year, I felt I arrived to a family of friends, teachers, and a community. 我在家里.

    我很幸运.  Like many, most of my closest friends are the ones I met at St. 话筒. St. 话筒 is a place where students can have fun, learn, grow, and thrive. 它为我的未来做了准备.

    St. 迈克提供了很多资产. At the time, our country was in the throes of social change. Our country was in a war in Vietnam; there was racial tension and rampant racism throughout; assassinations of many of our country’s leaders; an awakening about woman’s rights; the environment and much more. My prior religious background echoed much of the discussion in the country. 那是为了找到平静, 为改善我们的国家而努力, 并努力改善他人的生活. St. 迈克的 and the Society of Saint Edmund continued to build upon those same goals. 这些目标,这些价值观,在我心中产生了共鸣. 他们塑造了我和我的职业道路. 虽然有各种各样的工作经历, 大多数人都以某种方式专注于我的目标, 帮助改善他人的生活, 扩大机会, 并做出积极的改变.

    圣乔治大学文科教育的关键要素. 迈克的 are learning, experiencing, and using critical thinking and communication skills. 作为一名英语专业的学生,我们不仅仅是读书. 我们会探索其中的意义, 上下文, 复杂性,并与其他作者进行比较和对比. We would have discussions, disagreements, and a better understanding about what was before us. In my career, critical thinking was vital in my work and the accomplishments I achieved. 批判性思维在日常生活中也是必不可少的. Dr. 凯里·卡普兰博士. John Reiss taught me so many of these skills; they were truly amazing teachers and mentors, 不仅仅是教育工作者. Dr. 卡普兰让我对自己有了信心. Dr. 赖斯成了我的英语专业指导老师. 当我的家庭还在继续挣扎时. 赖斯给予我同情、建议和帮助.

    Throughout my career, being able to communicate with others was essential. 带夫人. Rathgeb的“演讲课”是基础的. Throughout my career, I used what I learned from that class. In different roles I was on television and radio interviews. I wrote public service announcements that were aired on local stations. Later in my career I would present complex federal law into an understandable composition for any adult to understand. All of my roles required effective communication to achieve the goals I was trying to accomplish.

    在我大四的最后一个学期. 丹尼斯·德莱尼问我毕业后有什么打算. He mentioned he had been in the Peace Corps in Africa and suggested I look into it. 我所做的, 而不是和平队, 我加入了美国志愿服务组织, 现在被称为美国志愿队.

    I was hired by the Montana Human Rights Division for the one-year stint to do Marketing, 外展, 以及十大赌博靠谱网络平台蒙大拿州新人权法的教育. Having never been west of Scranton, 宾西法尼亚, I drove myself to Helena, Montana. 我在人权司工作期间, I even got to meet John Lewis at a national VISTA volunteer meeting.  Eventually I became a Peace Corps/Vista Recruiter stationed first in Atlanta, 乔治亚州, 然后在费城, 宾西法尼亚. 作为一名招聘人员,我必须走遍全国.

    几年后, while finishing up a master’s degree in Human Services from New Hampshire College, 我搬到了伯瑞特波罗, 佛蒙特州. 一年后, I was hired to be the campaign field organizer for the gubernatorial campaign of Madeleine Kunin. She won and became the first and only woman elected governor in 佛蒙特州. Governor Kunin was also only the fourth woman elected governor in her own right (not succeeding her husband, (或填补州长空缺).S. 历史. 我在创造佛蒙特州的历史上发挥了第一手的作用.

    Later in my career, I worked 16 years for the 佛蒙特州 Health Department. Initially I focused on a public health approach to School Aged Health, 并最终, I became the Division Director of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.

    In these roles, critical thinking and communication was essential. I worked at increasing access to primary care (including medical, 牙科, 为佛蒙特州的儿童和家庭提供心理健康服务. I Initiated a Dental Access Program in 佛蒙特州 that linked school aged children to local dentists for routine screenings and services. I also help to break down administrative barriers for low-income 佛蒙特州ers to access free tobacco succession and prevention services.

    我职业生涯的最高成就发生在2014年. I was the sole recipient of the prestigious national award by the American Academy of Pediatrics. I received “The Child Health Advocate Award” in recognition for my “outstanding contributions to the health and well-being of children in 佛蒙特州.”

    我个人的最高成就与跑步有关, 我直到40多岁才开始工作.

    At age 65 I ran my first half marathon, which I completed at a pretty good pace.

    跑步也给了我一个理由. 在Covid-19之前, I would on occasion dedicate a run to a friend or family member who passed away during one of my many road races. I would write their first name on an index card and pin the card to the back of my shirt. It was one way I dealt with my own grief and mourned their passing. 在新冠疫情爆发后,没有“种族”. 所以,我参加了两个户外跑步小组. 在此期间, there were limited ways to reach out to friends or family members who lost relatives and were grieving. The one thing we want to do when someone passes it is to hug the grieving person or to be hugged by others. 这是我们唯一不能做的事.

    结果是, I began to tell friends I was planning on running and dedicating one of my runs to their loved ones. 反响热烈. I never imagined how it would move my friends, some to tears. 他们亲切的话语常常使我流泪.

    A year into my running dedications, I was urged to write about them. 我给《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》写了一篇文章. 我提交的当天,编辑就打电话给我. She said she was moved by what I wrote and wanted to publish it. 它于2021年5月出版.

    我继续做专门的跑步.  I am working with my daughter on the development of a running dedication website with the goal that no matter where one lives, 他们也可以奉献一场比赛,让大家知道.

    Finally, I have been working with a local writing consultant and have nearly completed my own memoir. It is a story that details the troubling aspects of my youth and the impact of that trauma on development, 自尊, 以及成长. 去圣. Michael’s College was the first positive step in what would be a long journey. 我欠圣. 迈克的.